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For Anyone Who Wants To Be An Actor *NEW*

2 posters

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-If Your An Actor-

If you are an actor or have helped us film before then you dont have to worry about filling out the application below, simply send me a message or email with your current Gamertag on XBL or your Skype information and a List of Games you currently have or plan on getting (soon) so we can keep an up-to-date list of our current actors. If I do not receive a message from you by the end of the week you will be bumped back to a regular member of the site until one is received.

If you don't have Skype or Don't know why you need it continue reading this post.

-For everyone Else-

If you wish to be an actor for either our Xbox Live Machinima or our soon to come PC Machinima then you will need to fill out the application at the bottom of this post and send it to me (Kafungalung) in either an email or via the websites personal messaging system.

-Two Types of Actors Now-

Our recent ambition of making videos with games other than Halo has now allowed us to extend to other popular games Like COD: Black Ops 2, DayZ, Minecraft, League of Legends ect.

Since we will now be making video's with both Xbox and PC and Different Games, we will need more specific information from actor applications.

-Requirements To Be An Actor-

For PC:

  • A WORKING Microphone

  • Skype (there are many ways to contact someone online but this is the one we use)

  • At least one game that we make Video's with.

  • At least 15 years old (sorry younger fans but we have very foul mouths when were in Skype chat)

For Xbox:

  • A WORKING Microphone (if we can't hear you it's hard to know if you can hear us)

  • A copy of either COD: Black OPS 2 or Halo 4 (we will not be filming with any other games in the franchises)

  • Xbox Live (Obviously)

  • At least 13 Years old. (we tend to be more pg rated while filming scenes with our actor thus the age can be reduced)

General Requirements for both Xbox and PC:

  • Online at LEAST once a week to help us film. (We will be filming alot more often now and if your not online to help us ever then what's the point in being an actor?)

  • Respect to others (both the hazardous team and the other actors, getting angry at someone only slows down the process of filming)

  • SILENCE! (most of the time a lobby with more than 5 or 6 people will get very loud and annoying with everyone talking, we understand your excited to be helping out or want to share ideas with us but when we are online to film we really just need you to listen to our instructions and execute them to the best of your ability. There will be many times when we are online playing for fun and you can bug us them or talk to us via the website.)

-The Application-

Please Copy and Paste the Below Information to a Personal Message or an Email and then fill it out and send it to me
(Kafungalung). DO NOT POST IT BELOW!

Name (First and Last):
Actor Type (PC, Xbox, or Both):
Xbox Live Gamertag:
Skype Name:
PC Games Owned:
Xbox 360 Games Owned:
Do You Have A Working Xbox Headset?:
Do You Have A Working PC Headset?:
Average Number of Hours Spent on Games a Week:
Are You Subscribed to our Youtube Channel:
YouTube User Name:
Reason for Applying (keep it short and sweet please):


~Sincerely Kafungalung
~Hazardous Entertainment~

Last edited by Kafungalung on Sun Dec 22, 2019 11:21 am; edited 1 time in total


Junior Member
Junior Member

Name: Jordan smith
age: 13
timezone: central
actor type: xbox (sometimes pc)
xbox gamertag: sawtoothviper18 (No skype name)
pc games: none
xbox games: red dead redemption, saints row 3, left 4 dead, black ops 2, minecraft, midnight club: LA.
do you have a working xbox mic: yes
do you have a working pc mic: yes
number of hours spent on games a week: 7hours
are you subscribed to our youtube channel: Yes
youtube name: Th3GamingBanana and TheZooCrue
Reason for applying: I've always wanted to be on youtube videos with the youtubers I watch and i've always loved acting and hanging out. I also had some acting experience at the age of 5.

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