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I need some help here

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1I need some help here Empty I need some help here Thu Jan 24, 2013 2:40 am

ball of rage

ball of rage

There's a close friend of mine who got mixed in with the wrong people, he got into gangs, drugs and all sorts of fucked up shit. After about a year he was getting better, he was able to stay sober for a long time. But recently, he got arrested, he went back to dealing and doing drugs. First it was weed, now its cocaine. He was found with 2 oz of it, and a 0.25 revolver in his possession. He swore he was going straight. And he then started cheating on his girlfriend. Me and him have been like brothers for 6 years. I can't just leave him. I can help him, but I'm just stuck. I'm lost in this forest, this labyrinth of confusion, questions, and fear. I just don't know how to help him. He is a better person than what he is now. I know its inside him. I just don't know how to free the trapped, good person, one who would rather lose a hand than touch drugs or alcohol, one who will back up those he cares for in any situation. I just can't figure out how to set the real him that's inside free. So I ask you, my Hazardous brothers and sisters, I ask for your aid in this matter, I ask for clarification, answers, advice, and overall wisdom. What should I do?

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