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Random stuff

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1Random stuff Empty Random stuff Fri Jan 22, 2010 8:17 pm



Just the make the forum more loud.. (its too quiet) lets start posting things about yourselfs... what comedian u like.... what joke u like.. etc

comedian- Gabriel Iglesias "im not fat, im FLUFFY" (i know and can resite MOST of his jokes Razz)
myself- im an oddball, and.. umm o_0.. kinda crazy (some times), relaxed, and.... ummm weird.. sometimes. XD

idk what to say X_X

2Random stuff Empty Re: Random stuff Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:00 am

l0rd 0ccultus

l0rd 0ccultus
Active Member
Active Member

urm, favorite comedian is either bill hicks or tim minchem,pretty contrasting i know
I'm really into music and can lay a variety "modern" instruments, as i study them and music history and theory at college
pretty laid back but have pretty hyper moments, and cant say no to a good night out in london clubbing or at a makes uni house consuming a few things we shouldn't be Razz

3Random stuff Empty Re: Random stuff Sat Jan 23, 2010 3:01 pm



favorite comedian's are lewis black, kat williams, and bernie mac R.I.P.
about myself, im currently unemployed awaiting college entry, hopefully with one of my friends you all know, logan, i loved football in highschool as well as weight lifting but i equally love making machinima and coming up with skits, and hanging with my friends, i can be a little abstract in my thinking sometimes, but often it comes across as funny, and i also violently enjoy watching movies, lol

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