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post cod zombie ideas here

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1post cod zombie ideas here Empty post cod zombie ideas here Sun May 15, 2011 11:04 pm



I've had some things that i miss from world at war zombies like more money ,guns,perks and just plain fun
But treyarch messed zombies up except for my new favorite perk phd flopper
They should at least make a zombie mode were you get unlimited money because they made zombies
to hard for people who used to play waw and then changed to blackops Me I used to play
Waw all day on zombies and reaching allways atleast reaching level 20 every time and higher
but now you have less health money and juggernog wasn't what it used to be not to mention they took
away the wondrwoffle (that I really miss but they brought it back in call of the dead)
That's WHAT I HAVE TO SAY about cod blackops zombies

Ok the real post you post cool weapon ideas and maps also zombie game modes
my idea for a map is a sub base full of zombies
My idea for a gun is a ray beam or light it shines on zombies and it kills them at a meideum paste
My idea for a zombie mode is a infinate money mode or a apoculypse mode (no rounds just nonstop zombies) post cod zombie ideas here 277928269

2post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Mon May 16, 2011 1:05 pm



I would say add more normal weapons on the wall like the aug and stuff so you can buy them without using the mystery box

3post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Mon May 16, 2011 8:43 pm



nota bad idea but the prices would be too high for raygun and thunder also the big guns

4post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Mon May 16, 2011 9:56 pm



But does anyone agree with me in the begining of the tOpic

5post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Mon May 16, 2011 11:25 pm



Ok I have another mode idea its called perked up were you have all the perks exept juggernog and you play the game reguraly but with every perk exept juggrnog Its a game mode were you explor all the perks in well a fun way

Here's another gun idea too its a lighting gun it shoots at zombies with a lighting bolt can take down many zombies at once when p punched it has more raduis more damage has a bigger mag and shoots faster

Here's a map idea a carnival filled with zombies and a new perk called instant powerup you can get any powerup for 1500 (instakill,nuke,max ammo,etc) and I even have a name for the map karnival its a classic name for a zombified carnival

Here's one more map its a abandoned bomb factory (with old charcters dempsi and etc) Zombified with lots of advanced camping spots and more flingers ziplines and stuff and the wunderwuffle will also be in this one

6post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Tue May 17, 2011 9:30 am



Well what about a game type where it was rounds but you got money to buy guns and perks and the doors opened up over time. It would be cool to have a zombie map in a zoo. For a new weapon it would be cool if they had a chainsaw or something like that.

7post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Tue May 17, 2011 11:08 pm



Yeah! melee weapons completely forgot about them

8post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Wed May 18, 2011 8:54 am



I know left 4 dead has melee weapons and in zombies you have the only the knife, the bowie knife, and the sickle. It would be cool if they added in more powerful melee weapons to help you.

9post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Wed May 18, 2011 9:39 am



Melee waoPons are fun too

10post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Thu May 19, 2011 8:54 am



Yeah they are

11post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Fri May 20, 2011 10:19 pm



New map idea. .......a air feild

12post cod zombie ideas here Empty Re: post cod zombie ideas here Sat May 21, 2011 9:56 pm



New game mode fast lane you go realy fast but the the zombies go sslower

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