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ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you?

7 posters


ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap22%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 22% [ 2 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap0%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap0%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap33%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 33% [ 3 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap22%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 22% [ 2 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap0%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap11%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 11% [ 1 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap0%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap0%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 0% [ 0 ]
ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_lcap11%ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? I_vote_rcap 11% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 9

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1ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:02 pm


Active Member
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watching bloody zombie movies thats what, if it has the words zombie, un-dead or living dead in it i basically watched it...

now i know this is a halo site blah blah blah, but anyone else here cant wait or fear the zombie apocalypse? if so tell me what you would do, or how you would survive...me? ill just be in my basement stoking on food and ammo...with any surviving familly members i have left... sad isnt it?Sad

now it doesnt matter what i think, i want to know what YOU think about it...click that comment box...you know you want to...AND HEY MODERATORS IM TALKING TO YOU TO, DONT LEAVE OUT YOUR COMMENTS EATHEIR YOUR JUST AS IMPORTANT TO THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE AS ANYONE ELSE

2ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Fri Oct 14, 2011 11:06 pm



meh, all i want to do is play my gutair ontop of my roof, lure them in closer, then throw a gasoline tank in the middle of them and shoot it MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! YES BURN BURN THEM ALL >:3

3ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Sat Oct 15, 2011 8:25 pm



masterbeef you cant just chill with your parents thats a rookie misteak, if one of them turns you wont be able to kill them thats why you have to have some friends along that can pull the trigger for you. and secondly if shaun of the dead taught us anything its that basements arent good for holding off zombies, its easy for zombies to go down buildings its hard for them to go up. thats why my plan would be to head to the nearest sporting goods store after i meet up with my surviving friends, then get to the roof of a walmart. theres always plenty of food and extra ammo in a walmart.

4ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Mon Oct 17, 2011 4:44 pm


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Active Member

XD ok,i have to admit, thats a preety good idea...so you think this post will become popular?

also you didnt vote >Sad

5ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Tue Oct 18, 2011 9:36 am

Undead Overlord

Undead Overlord

just saying this, but you all are idiots somewhat for thinking that guns will save you permanently. I'd get my band of friends/family together, raid the nearest Home Depot for melee weapons, then hit a Walmart or safeway for packaged goods. After that, we'll get the hell out of there and stay mobile in whatever vehicles we can find.

6ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty yah you have fun with that dude Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:33 pm


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Undead Overlord wrote:just saying this, but you all are idiots somewhat for thinking that guns will save you permanently. I'd get my band of friends/family together, raid the nearest Home Depot for melee weapons, then hit a Walmart or safeway for packaged goods. After that, we'll get the hell out of there and stay mobile in whatever vehicles we can find.

first of all every single movie so far that had survivors on the move allways ended badly, im not saying that holding up is any better but still...just saying...also i agree that melle weapons are preety bad ass, but unless you bench like 300 everyday for the past 3 years, i higly doubt you can nock a zombies head clean off...ALSO thanks for voting dude :3

7ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Wed Oct 19, 2011 10:28 am

Undead Overlord

Undead Overlord

masterbeef wrote:first of all every single movie so far that had survivors on the move allways ended badly, im not saying that holding up is any better but still...just saying...also i agree that melle weapons are preety bad ass, but unless you bench like 300 everyday for the past 3 years, i higly doubt you can nock a zombies head clean off...ALSO thanks for voting dude :3

Just throwing this out there, but who said anything about knocking a zombies head off, getting a blade or something jammed in there will do it just fine, but blunt weapons might end up being the way to go since you can also disable them to safely dispose of them. Plus, you wouldn't have to sharpen them as you would blunt weapons, but to each person their own. I also said that we'd stay mobile in whatever vehicles we could find. There was no staying, as that would just be stupid, since zombies would start coming in hordes.

8ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Wed Oct 19, 2011 4:52 pm


Active Member
Active Member

yes that is tru that swords can work good against a few of the zombies i named up there on the poll, but the others will ANIALATE you if you charge at them with a samurai sword or a blunt weapon

and as i said, even if your still mobile these 5 things could happen

1.run out of gas

2.run out of road

3.run into a huge horde of zombies (you cant plow a car into a horde of 300 pounds of flesh zombies)

4.run out of places to drive to (most likely that the whole world will become unsafe during a zombie apocalypse, but some places become DEVASTATED by other accourences)

5.some asshole doesnt tell the rest of the group that they have been bitten( i dont like the thought of being stuck in a car with a zombie...)

9ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Fri Oct 21, 2011 9:22 am

Undead Overlord

Undead Overlord

well, sadly, if any of the futuristic zombie types were to come to us at this point in time, we'd be screwed. Plus, how would you keep your ammo up, aside from attempting to raid a military base? After that, I completely agree with your points, but that doesn't mean that we couldn't stay mobile for as long as possible in vehicles.

10ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:44 pm


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11ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Fri Oct 21, 2011 11:37 pm



you stay in one place then you know the area and are easier to find, if you try and go mobile you will have to deal with areas you dont know and eventually will run out of gas in an area you mostlikely dont know. and guns are the only weapons you ever want in a zombie outbreak. a sword is awesome if its only one or two zombies but if your going against a group you can take them out from a distance.

12ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Sat Oct 22, 2011 3:03 am


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Active Member

good point...unless your chuck norris...then you could throw the sword and cut all the zombies heads off...he wouldnt even need the sword really.....just need juck norris

ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? 1960836391

13ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Tue Oct 25, 2011 1:42 am

Undead Overlord

Undead Overlord

the problem with firearms is that they'll attract more zombies than they'd kill. IDK about you, but gunshots are loud to me. Also, just because I agree with your points doesn't mean that you're all knowing about Zombies, Masterbeef lol. I was just saying that you make a good case. Besides, how the hell do you expect to stay stocked up on ammo? Looting will be prevalent when the zombies come, and the 2 places that will be the first to go will most likely be the grocery stores and gun stores. Melee weapons would end up being the main way to go, and being in a group with 3-4 others means you can handle groups of zombies, depending on how big it is and your weapons. Also depends on what kinds of firearms you're using. Carbines and pistols might be the best combo, as they have the best maneuverability and versatility without making you feel like you're a god. *cough* assault rifles *cough*

14ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Tue Oct 25, 2011 9:45 pm


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Active Member

WOH WOH WOH NOW....since when the heck did you know about real guns????

or you just saying what the video games said about the said weapons in the game manuels Rolling Eyes

15ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Wed Oct 26, 2011 9:48 am

Undead Overlord

Undead Overlord

Military family plus Battlefield in-game. Also just things I randomly find on the internet.

16ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Mon Oct 31, 2011 4:29 pm


Active Member
Active Member

OH lol

btw happy halloween Very Happy

17ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Wed Nov 23, 2011 9:31 pm


Junior Member
Junior Member

this reminds me of the redvsblue zombie plan psa id be sarge i want to show you guys the vid with this but i'm a new guy still have to wait 7 days witch sucks someone should make a poll to ask if peole like the 7 day thing or not first vote hear its it really fuck'en sucks

18ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:00 am


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Active Member

tryed to get that fixed, the moderators disagree tho Sad

19ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:57 pm


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Active Member

k guys i have realised not too many people have been posting on this poll, so lets get it up and running again, by posting this here i have just put it back up in the latest topics....so vote, vote, VOTE

20ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:01 am



Remember you need to keep part of your zombie plan a secret from everyone else. You don't know if the infected retain any of their memories from before and you can't have them heading straight to where you will be weakest during your preparation phases and getting you with your pants down.

21ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:45 pm


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Active Member

some people may take that literally...freaken zombie fetishest's -_-

22ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Empty Re: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE...what say you? Mon Jan 21, 2013 8:59 pm

ball of rage

ball of rage

I know I'm necro posting now, but here's my plan. Grab as many guns and ammo as possible, same goes for food and water. Then grab my friends and family, get some veterans, maybe some rednecks, and also get some bows and arrows. Raid the nearest firearms retailer, head to the nearest bay, hijack a ship (one that's got fuel and sails) and sail to an island, maybe some place like in the Caribbean. Kill the zombies there. Make silencers for the guns. Then start up our own little farm. If I can I'll round up survivors there. If I have any scientists with me (hopefully chemists) we can try to synthesize and antidote. And hopefully make it into an inhalant. And if not, we'll breed maggots and if there is a plane use it for the cure, or air drop maggots all over the planet, and I mean a shit tone of maggots. They only eat dead tissue. And set up a base camp, set up some big walls, sharpen up some logs and use them as spikes to stab the zombies should they charge. Set up traps. And act like a zombie to get through the hoards. And I'd grab a LOT of hot chicks.

I'm ready for those undead motherfuckers.

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