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RvB Season 9

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1RvB Season 9 Empty RvB Season 9 Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:40 pm



Ok, so has anyone else been following the new season of Red Vs. Blue? Right now only the first three episodes are out, and they are definently worth going and watching. So far there has been one episode of just machinima, one all CG, and one with both! I think they are all amazing, what do you guys think?

2RvB Season 9 Empty Re: RvB Season 9 Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:20 pm



Haven't seen them (I know shocking to hear) but I haven't found the vids yet I've checked on their sites (youtube,roosterteeth,redvsblue.com) couldn't find them maybe ill double check

3RvB Season 9 Empty Re: RvB Season 9 Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:01 am



Yeah you should because they are all up on www.roosterteeth.com, but not on YouTube, they stopped that after season six! BTW check them out soon! Epic and amazing CG!

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