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The game that made you a gamer!

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1The game that made you a gamer! Empty The game that made you a gamer! Wed May 18, 2011 7:42 pm



Ok, so everyone has that one game that was the first game you ever got hooked into! You know, the one that was the start of your complete and total devotion to video games! It doesn't necessarily have to be your all time favorite game, or even the first game you ever saw, but it is still your original addiction! For me the first game I devoted any real time to was Super Mario Bros. for the SNES. I would watch my dad beast at it for hours, then try it myself and get pwned by some mushroom bad asses, but there was one game after that was the final straw that made me such a hardcore gamer. Throughout all of elementary school I was addicted to Super Smash Bros. for the Nintendo 64! But, that was only a decade ago, I'm sure some of you older gamers got started on Galaga or something ridiculous like that! Anyone else care to share? (took me ten minutes for me to think of something that rhymed!)

2The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Thu May 19, 2011 5:40 am



Super Mario Bros, the game that made me the nerd I am today.

3The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Thu May 19, 2011 8:49 am



Super Mario Bros 3 is probably the reason I started playing video games.

4The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Thu May 19, 2011 11:30 am



nah smb never really appealled to me.... i think the games that attracted me to games was kirby and donkey kong cant remember which i played first.. then i went to space invaders then madden then nfl blitz then i made that crucial jump to vice city lol then finally halo CE... and from there on i was hooked to fps and free roams... to this day the games i look forward to the most are rockstar games like gta series and red dead... and the obvious fps like halo's and cod's.... btw best fps' imo are halo 2 and cod 4... that may greatly change on the cod side this november but still greatest games ever... and they got me into competitive online play....

5The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Thu May 19, 2011 3:43 pm



The game that got me hooked was Kirby 64, and Sonic The Hedgehog for Sega systems, the classics were the best really and also Mario 64 was my favorite mario up till this point xD, also while were still talking about games i set up my own LP channel, and if you want to see my videos my channel name is RustyNReckIess the L in reckless is an " i ", cause i had the same account but forgot the password, anyways does anybody have any suggestions as to what game i should do?

6The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Thu May 19, 2011 5:35 pm



I also should mention that even though NES gen games got me into gaming as a kid, Starcraft during study hall in middle school turned me into a competitive gamer.

7The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Thu May 19, 2011 6:15 pm



SMGstrings wrote:I also should mention that even though NES gen games got me into gaming as a kid, Starcraft during study hall in middle school turned me into a competitive gamer.
Yeah, Starcraft was good, but I still love to think about when me and my friends had Age of Empires installed on every computer in my computer classes and everybody played it the entire period every day! Very Happy

8The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Fri May 20, 2011 12:39 am



SMGstrings wrote:I also should mention that even though NES gen games got me into gaming as a kid, Starcraft during study hall in middle school turned me into a competitive gamer.
Yeah, Starcraft was good, but I still love to think about when me and my friends had Age of Empires installed on every computer in my computer classes and everybody played it the entire period every day! Very Happy
Ah yes. I remember AoE2 and Quake Arena my freshman year. Had to find an exploit to run the game off the network drives since we couldn't access the computer HDD's themselves. A man needs his gaming damnit Twisted Evil

9The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Fri May 20, 2011 9:12 am



Well for competitive gaming it was probably the Halos that made me a competitive gamer.

10The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Fri May 20, 2011 4:36 pm



Does anyone else still dig up their old consoles and try to play them just for the sake of nostalgia? Even though games from 20 years ago look REALLY bad on big HD tvs!

11The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Fri May 20, 2011 10:15 pm



Your so right twisted
But the first game that made me a mlg was halo and cod
The game that made me a gamer was defintaly mario bros.

12The game that made you a gamer! Empty Re: The game that made you a gamer! Mon May 23, 2011 10:26 am



Before I got live Gears of war 3 once I figured I could use a laptop as a way to connect to live (back way long ago when the great account I have was made) I played only halo 3 for a while to gain friends on my list for a while and I started to destroy all those who go in my way with power, brains and about 10 tons of panda bear and explosives because THIS IS HALO!!!!!!!!!!! AND THIS IS FUN AND THAT GUY IS CLEARY NOT HACKING IF WE WIN THE MATCH!!!!!!!!!

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